This is me at the sample sale. I have on a major necklace - looking rather lady of the manor, with my hair in a bun.
I hate talking directly about my personal life.
1. because why should anyone care
2. I never know how much to reveal or not reveal
3. It's just how I am. I think that I come from that type of woman that was taught that if you talk too much about the good things that go on with you that means you are bragging and everyone will hate you...blah, blah.
However I am coming around to learning how to share parts of myself.
What I do for a living. I work for a jewelry designer. I do the business parts, meaning some of everything. The administrative stuff - everything from data entry, to shipping, to talking to department stores, to accounts receivable, marketing,.... you name it.
I also get to do cool things that are fun like design decisions - picking colors, giving advice on what is current, naming collections - finally named my first one a few months ago.
I also get to go to New York for the trade shows next month. This will be my first trip to New York and my first trade show, which in this business is where the action is. I am hoping to come away with some brand new deparment store accounts out of this. Fingers crossed.
I didn't go to school for this. I have a life long love of fashion, and pretty things but this job was a happy accident. They were looking for an admin person and it was the first job I saw. I applied and almost two years later I am still there. Everything is completely produced in San Francisco which is pretty amazing considering that most manufacturing is done overseas. We also make everything with pretty Swarovski crystal. Sometimes it's like being in a pretty jewel box. Other times it's like a factory, cold gray, with some sparkle thrown in.